



作者:admin 发布时间:2021-04-06点击:1064
随着我国经济的快速发展,在用电需求急剧增加的同时,对电能的质量也提出 更高的要求,逆变电源在各领域的应用越来越广泛。然而,目前我国数字控制逆变 电源的发展水平相对不高,针对我国逆变技术的发展现状,满足市场需求,开发一 种输出稳定、可靠性高、成本低的逆变电源具有较大的实用价值。
本课题研制的逆变电源是为小型汽油发电机专门设计的。主要功能是将发电机 输出的电压和频率都不稳定,质量较差的中频交流电,转换为电能质量较高,能满 足一般负载要求的工频交流电。
本文首先通过对逆变电源功率变换电路几种结构的对比,确定了功率变换电路 釆用交-直-交的变换模式。介绍了逆变电源的SPWM控制的基本原理并给出了 SPWM波开关时间的计算方法。自此基础上详细阐述了逆变电源系统硬件电路的组 成,包括整流电路、逆变电路、控制电路、驱动电路等,并对各部分电路作了详细 的分析与设计,并给出了各组成电路元器件选型的具体依据。研究了逆变电源的数 字控制方式,首先建立了逆变电源的线性化数学模型,为了达到较高的控制要求, 引入了数字PID和重复控制的复合控制策略。数字PID控制保证了系统具有良好的 动态性能,对负载的变化能够及时的给出相应的补偿信号,重复控制提高了系统的 稳定性,这样系统不仅具有很高的动态性能而且具有较好的稳态性能。
最后按照本文的设计方案,研制了一台2kVA的逆变电源样机,并对样机进行 了实验分析,得到了较理想的波形,满足设计任务指标,验证了设计方案的正确性 和可行性。

With Chinese economic develop rapidly. Every fields demand for electricity increased sharply, while the quality of the power put forward higher requirements, inverter power supply applications in various fields more and more widely. However, at present China's development of digital control of inverter power relatively low, in order to improve inverter technology and to meet the market demand, the development of a stable output, high reliability and low cost inverter power has great practical value.
The subject developed inverter power is specifically designed for small gasoline generator. The generator's output IF AC which voltage and frequency is not stable, quality is low. The inverter power's main function is converted the IF AC to a higher power quality, to meet the load requirements AC.
Firstly, through the comparison of several structures of the inverter power, determine the power conversion circuit using AC-DC-AC transform mode.SPWM introduced the basic principles of control Inverter and gives how to calculate the SPWM wave switching time. Hardware system of Inverter power is described in detail, including the rectifier circuit, inverter circuit, control circuit, driver circuit and so on. Various parts of the circuit detail analysis and design is list, and circuit components are given the composition of election type specific basis. To study numbers of the inverter control mode. First we established linear model of inverter power. In order to achieve higher control requirements, a new this control strategy is introduced: digital PID control complex of repetitive control. Digital PID control to ensure the system has good dynamic performance, can be timely given the appropriate compensation signal to the load; Repetitive control improves system stability, so the system not only has a high dynamic performance and good steady state performance.
Finally, according to the design in this article, we developed a prototype of Inverter power which is 2kVA. Through prototype experimental analysis, an ideal waveform obtained to. This result meets the design task and verifys the correctness and feasibility of design.
Key words Inverter; Pulse width modulator; Repetitive control; PID control; Renesas MCU